Aquatic Animals vocabulary, lobster, manatee, manta, ray, octopus, English Language Words

Aquatic Animals vocabulary. What is a lobster, manatee, manta, ray, octopus. Improve your English / ESL vocabulary. Materials for children in Pre K, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.
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Aquatic Animals vocabulary, dolphin, orca, whale, shark, English Language Words

Aquatic Animals vocabulary. What is a dolphin, orca, whale, shark. Improve your English / ESL vocabulary. Materials for children in Pre K, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.
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Aquatic Animals vocabulary, coral, fish, jellyfish, frog, English Language Words

Aquatic Animals vocabulary. What is a coral, fish, jellyfish, frog. Improve your English / ESL vocabulary. Materials for children in Pre K, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.
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English Language PowerPoint on Zoo Animals: rhino, monkey, zebra, giraffe, tiger, flamingo, parrot ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Zoo Animals : rhino, monkey, zebra, giraffe, tiger, flamingo, parrot, ostrich, shark, seal, dolphin, whale, turtle, javelina, ram, elephant, bear, goat, cow. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

Zoo Animals PowerPoint Lesson Download

Zoo Animals PowerPoint Lesson Download - The esl vocabulary experts have created the free downloadable powerpoint to put kids at the centre of learning.Learning about zoo is fun and interactive to kids.Children love learning about animals, especially ones which are big, scary, colourful, wild, and potentially dangerous! Once you have them captivated by the subject you’ll find that they are more than eager to learn the English vocabulary needed to talk about it. There are hundreds of language focus points you can develop when doing topics on zoo animals. Here are just some ideas to get you started. At the end of the lesson children should be capable of having a mastery of vocabulary on zoo animals,spellings and pronunciation. English Language PowerPoint on Zoo Animals:rhino, monkey, zebra, giraffe, tiger, flamingo, parrot, ostrich, shark, seal, dolphin, whale, turtle, javelina, ram, elephant, bear, goat, cow. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers, Free PPT Download, free zoo animals powerpoint template.

English Language PowerPoint on Wild Animals: bear, wolf, deer, fox, hare, hedgehog, boar, skunk, owl ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint Lesson on Wild Animals:bear, wolf, deer, fox, hare, hedgehog, boar, skunk, owl, eagle, woodpecker, peacock, zebra, giraffe, lion, ostrich, tiger, meerkat, hippopotamus, monkey, elephant, kangaroo, vulture, rhino, tortoise, snake, chameleon, crocodile. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

Wild animals English lessons

Wild animals English lessons - ESL vocabulary powerpoint on  Wild Animals have been designed with a special considerations for kids, the Esl vocabulary powerpoints are colorful,interactive and fun to faciltate comprehension amongst kids. Wild Animals are contrary to domestic animals,wild animals leave apart from humans,while domestic animals leave close to human beings and are generally harmless and for services.The powerpoint on wild animals is animated to enhance kids vocabulary on wild animals. It is designed to teach kids the names of some popular wild animals, their habitat and mode of life. The lesson will be followed by a simple exercise in which kids will learn to recall and identify the wild animals and through that learn to spell new words and familiarize with new vocabulary.The powerpoints are interesting and fun, Kids will enjoy the animated picyures on the powerpoint. It will help kids to inculcate a deep sense of responsibility and respect for the environment in children.The powerpoints indirectly approach nature into  classroom to enhance kids knowledge on wild life. Students will enjoy learning about wild animals that live in the rain forests, oceans, and polar regions. English Language PowerPoint on Wild Animals:bear, wolf, deer, fox, hare, hedgehog, boar, skunk, owl, eagle, woodpecker, peacock, zebra, giraffe, lion, ostrich, tiger, meerkat, hippopotamus, monkey, elephant, kangaroo, vulture, rhino, tortoise, snake, chameleon, crocodile. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

English Language PowerPoint on Transport means: car, jeep, pickup, trailer, van, truck, taxi, bus, train ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Transport means :car, jeep, pickup, trailer, atv, van, truck, taxi, bus, train, tram, subway, carriage, bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, airplane, helicopter, space shuttle, hot air balloon, parachute, boat, ship, gondola, hydroplane, speed boat, row boat, sailboat. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

Learn new ESL vocabulary on Transport means using this PPT slide

The Esl vocabulary powerpoint on transport means is expected to enhance kids knowledge on the different means of transportation. discuss different modes of transportation on land, sea and in the air. Talk about how people get to where they are going (school bus, ferry boat, car etc.) Incorporate field trips wherever possible. Take a trip on a school bus, walk around the school parking lot to look at cars, visit the airport, bus station or train station. Watch videos that show different forms of transportation. Look at travel magazines. Ask if anyone has been on a plane,  a train, a horse and so on. Ask how students get to school everyday. How do kids in other countries travel? Leave lots of time for discussion. Make sure to review safety rules (seatbelts in cars, obeying traffic signals, walk and don't walk signs). Don't forget to discuss how products are delivered couriers with trucks, airplanes etc. How does the mail travel?Vocabulary: car, ship, train, plane, boat, bus, bike (for older students: underground, tram, lorry, motorbike) Preparation:Children will then study the different pictures on the powerpoint to identify the various means of transportation through which they will familiarize themselves with vocabulary. The children will some kind of connect pictures with new vocabulary and through which spellings skills will be enhanced. English Language PowerPoint on Transport:car, jeep, pickup, trailer, atv, van, truck, taxi, bus, train, tram, subway, carriage, bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, airplane, helicopter, space shuttle, hot air balloon, parachute, boat, ship, gondola, hydroplane, speed boat, row boat, sailboat. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

English Language PowerPoint on Sports:football, volleyball, basketball, soccer, handball

English Language PowerPoint on Sports:football, volleyball, basketball, soccer, handball, kickboxing, martial arts, ping pong, baseball, bowling, billiards, golf, boxing, cricket, equestrian, fencing, gymnastics, badminton, tennis, high jump, wrestling, sumo, cycling, car racing, hurdles, javelin, long jump, running, water polo, water skiing, speed skating, archery, crew, diving, surfing, swimming, bobsled, ice hockey, ice scatting, ski. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

Learn new words and English vocabulary about sports activities

Learn new words and English vocabulary about sports activities - The  ESL Vocabulary powerpoint on Sports is specialy designed to enhanced kids knowledge on vocabulary. Kids are expected to get a grasp in sporting vocabulary with their hands on learning activities. Sporting activities are a wonderful way to show kids that learning can be fun. These activities for kids include hands-on projects and  sporting games that are both interesting,skill building and educational. With fun activities for kids in subjects like English ranging from vocabulary and spelling skill building. School kids can do sports either indoors and outdoors. When it comes to extracurricular activities, you really can't beat sports for kids. Joining a sports team helps your child stay active, practice and learn sportsmanship, improve social skills and concentration, and develop a hobby he can enjoy for life. But not all sports for kids are created equal. To match your child with the right sport, consider her size, age, skills, abilities, and above all, her interests.

English Language PowerPoint on Seasons and Weather: spring, summer, autumn, winter, sunny, rainy ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Seasons and Weather :spring, summer, autumn, winter, sunny, rainy, windy, snowy, cloud, sun, tornado, rainbow, raindrop, snowflake, lightning, wave, raincoat, umbrella, thermometer, boots, . ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

Vocabulary lesson on Seasons and Weather, Learn new words

Vocabulary lesson on Seasons and Weather, Learn new words - spring, winter, autumn, summer - ESL powerpoint on Seasons and Weather,The powerpoint on seasons are weather is instrumental in teaching kids vocabulary on the different seasons and weather.Kids learn seasons and weather through the interactive colorful powerpoint. The powerpoint vocabulary on seasons and weather have been designed specially by child pedagogues to place kids at the centre of learning. At the end of the lesson kids would be capable of identifying  the various seasons of the year,with a better understanding of what weather is all do the Seasons come about?  Many places on the aarth surface have different seasons have seasons such as Spring, summer, fall, dry and winter. What brings the different seasons? Well, it is caused by the movement of the Earth around the sun. Facts about the seasons. The four seasons of the year (winter, spring, summer, autumn) have a huge impact on how we move on with our daily activities. The different seasons also have an impact,either negative or positive on the food eat, what we drink, the clothes we wear and the activities we take part in.The season also influence our dressing and music we listern to,for example, christmas carols in winter.The powerpoints are important in enhancing kids comprehension on the four seasons. English Language PowerPoint on Seasons and Weather :spring, summer, autumn, winter, sunny, rainy, windy, snowy, cloud, sun, tornado, rainbow, raindrop, snowflake, lightning, wave, raincoat, umbrella, thermometer, boots, . ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download. Also complement with a weather and seasons lesson plans first grade

English Language PowerPoint on School: geography, anatomy, math, literature, geometry ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on School:geography, anatomy, math, literature, geometry, art, archeology, chemistry, biology, drama, music, sport, pottery, space science, computer scince, abacus, book, blackboard, backpack, thumbtack, notebook, eraser, glue, bell, calculator, chalk, compass, crayon, pencil, microscope, paper cutter, diploma, pen, protractor, globe, paint brush, sharpener, quill, scissors, desk, ruler, lockers, lunch box. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

Vocabulary lesson on items related to school, PPT lesson for teachers

Vocabulary lesson on items related to school, PPT lesson for teachersESL vocabulary powerpoint on education has been specially designed by eslvocab experts to enhance kids knowledge on school vocabulary,while boosting their capacity in spelling at the same time.The powerpoint exposes kids to the different didactic materials they need, to have an efficient grasp in vocabulary. Kids are expected to explore this free educational powerpoint to increase their vocabulary accument. Our free online powerpoint on education remains one of the  most perfect way to build the skill of kids and junior grade children. This powerpoint is primodial for kids of the different grades and levels. Kids build new vocabulary and spelling skills. Kids at the same time practice blending sounds and spellings together while learning new vocab in this powerpoint. English Language PowerPoint on School:geography, anatomy, math, literature, geometry, art, archeology, chemistry, biology, drama, music, sport, pottery, space science, computer scince, abacus, book, blackboard, backpack, thumbtack, notebook, eraser, glue, bell, calculator, chalk, compass, crayon, pencil, microscope, paper cutter, diploma, pen, protractor, globe, paint brush, sharpener, quill, scissors, desk, ruler, lockers, lunch box. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

English Language PowerPoint on Professions / Jobs: teacher, accountant, painter, detective, hairdresser ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Professions \ Jobs:teacher, accountant, painter, detective, hairdresser, plumber, postman, judge, carpenter, taxi driver, dentist, tailor, fireman, doctor, acrobat, gardener, pilot, photographer, professor, policeman, chef, astronaut, pianist, priest, butcher, lumber jack, bricklayer, astronomer, hunter, fisherman, football player, monk. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

PowerPoint Lesson on jobs. Learn about different professions

PowerPoint Lesson on jobs. Learn about different professions - In this ESL vocabulary powerpoint kids will learn about people who carryout diffrent jobs and professions. Kids will also learn about the nature of their jobs and what they use as tools to do their jobs.The vocabulary powerpoints on professions and jobs are interacting and fun to give kids a complete knowledge on the issue of job and profession,while they master spellings and vocabulary at the same time.  What  kind of job do you intend to do when you grow up? What job will you have when you're older? People do all kinds of jobs to help us every day and their families.The earnings from jobs and professions are used to pay hospital bills,school tuition, put food on the table,keep the family healthy and happy. What are the different professions and jobs people get into? Examples are Cooking, teaching, fire officers,drivers,nurses and doctors.  The powerpoint here is a job fact sheet for kids and puts at their disposal a knowledge on what a job and profession are, and examples of the different jobs and profession that people do. If there are other jobs and professions the teacher should further increase,so as to give kids a broad knowledge on the different jobs and profession. English Language PowerPoint on Professions \ Jobs:teacher, accountant, painter, detective, hairdresser, plumber, postman, judge, carpenter, taxi driver, dentist, tailor, fireman, doctor, acrobat, gardener, pilot, photographer, professor, policeman, chef, astronaut, pianist, priest, butcher, lumber jack, bricklayer, astronomer, hunter, fisherman, football player, monk. ESL Vocabulary PPT for TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.