English Language PowerPoint on Maps of Continents and Countries: Europe, North America, Africa, South America, Mexico, Canada, Australia, USA ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Maps of Continents and Countries:Europe, North America, Africa, South America, Mexico, Canada, Australia, USA, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Iran, Japan, India, Iraq. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

ESL vocabulary powerpoint on Maps of Continents and Countries

The powerpoint esl vocabulary on maps of continents and countries has been well projected to give kids the best of vocabulary on maps of continents and countries.The powerpoint is free download to assist parents and childcare expects in enhancing kids knowledge on vocabulary.The powerpoint on maps of continents and countries are fun and interactive to enhance easy comprehension to kids. Maps of continents and counttries are topics under geography,studying geography can be fun, learning abot the different continents and countries that are found within the continents.Studying maps of continents and countries gives access to learning about all the facts and information on the world including other countries such as; oceans, continents, rivers, cultures, governments, and more.The powerpoints exposes kids and adults to learn about the different countries of the world.Kids get all sorts of information of the world,get information about country maps,population and more to enrich their knowledge about the outer world. At the end of the lesson on powerpoint on map and continent vocabulary kids will be able to have had a mastery on vocabulary concerning maps and continents. English Language PowerPoint on Maps of Continents and Countries:Europe, North America, Africa, South America, Mexico, Canada, Australia, USA, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Iran, Japan, India, Iraq. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

English Language PowerPoint on Insects: ant, bee, butterfly, beetle, caterpillar, fly, mosquito ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Insects:ant, bee, butterfly, beetle, caterpillar, fly, mosquito, ladybug, praying mantis, grasshopper, dragonfly, spider. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

ESL vocabulary powerpoint on Insects

Children ESL vocabulary powerpoint on insects has been designed by experts on child education to give the best in terms of vocabulary on insects to kids.The powerpoint lessons are completely free for download especially for teachers and childcare professionals.The vocabulary powerpoint on insects and interactive and fun,kids will learn new skills on vocabulary and spellings without stress. At the end of the lesson kids will familiarize themselves with vocabulary on insects. Insects are invertebrates, or animals without backbones. They breathe air through holes in their bodies. The body of an insect has three main parts called the head, thorax, and abdomen. Insects go through life stages and have very different forms in each stage. Adult insects usually have three pairs of legs, one pair of antennae, and two pairs of wings. Insects are small animals. You could barely see the feathery-winged dwarf beetle because it is only 1 inch (0.25 millimeters) long. The walkingstick of Southeast Asia is one of the biggest insects. It can be 20 inches (50 centimeters) long with its legs stretched out. An insect does not have bones. Its body has a hard outer covering. The hard covering is called an exoskeleton, or external skeleton. Insects can live almost anywhere on Earth. Insects called rock crawlers live on the cold mountaintops of the Himalayas in Asia. English Language PowerPoint on Insects:ant, bee, butterfly, beetle, caterpillar, fly, mosquito, ladybug, praying mantis, grasshopper, dragonfly, spider. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

English Language PowerPoint on Household: living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, wardrobe ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Household:living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, wardrobe, lamp, pillow, bed, curtains, door, fence, window, scrubber, trash bag, vacuum cleaner, sponge, bucket, dustpan, mop, broom, toilet seat, bathtub, faucet, plunger, razor, razor blade, toothpaste, toothbrush, sink, soap, toilet paper, shower, towel, trash can, scale, tissue, bellows, fan, fireplace, radiator, cutting board, pot, frying pan, kettle, hot plate, toaster, refrigerator, stove, corkscrew, dishwasher, jug, coffee maker, spoon, rolling pin, fork, spatula, knife, ladle, mixer, peeler, blender, cleaver knife, coffee pot, can, apron, baking pan, bowl, grater. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

ESL vocabulary powerpoint on Household Items

The Household items vocabulary powerpoint for children in Pre K, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades, target kids with a basic English vocabulary notion, The household exercises in this category have been designed to further enhance kids understanding of vocabulary, as well as make it easier for them to master household vocabulary and spellings. At the end of the lesson powerpoint it is expected that kids enhance their vocabulary capacity in English. After a successful completion of the powerpoint,kids will be able to identify household item and improve their English language level.Kids will need to practice for some time before finally mastering the ESL vocabulary powerpoint. The powerpoint in this category have been designed specially in other to give kids the chance to perfect their English level. TheESL vocabulary worksheet for kids follow a very simple straight foward pattern. Kids are required to identify the household items on the worksheet,read and learn spellings. Kids in this grade, Pre K, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.Kids will be capable of doing this exercise considering that they are beautifully designed.The worksheets are extremely handy, and children will need to have thier English capacity boosted.English Language PowerPoint on Household:living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, wardrobe, lamp, pillow, bed, curtains, door, fence, window, scrubber, trash bag, vacuum cleaner, sponge, bucket, dustpan, mop, broom, toilet seat, bathtub, faucet, plunger, razor, razor blade, toothpaste, toothbrush, sink, soap, toilet paper, shower, towel, trash can, scale, tissue, bellows, fan, fireplace, radiator, cutting board, pot, frying pan, kettle, hot plate, toaster, refrigerator, stove, corkscrew, dishwasher, jug, coffee maker, spoon, rolling pin, fork, spatula, knife, ladle, mixer, peeler, blender, cleaver knife, coffee pot, can, apron, baking pan, bowl, grater. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

English Language PowerPoint on Fruits and Vegetables: apple, blueberries, pineapple, lemon, plums, peach, pear ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Fruits and Vegetables:apple, blueberries, pineapple, lemon, plums, peach, pear, apricot, avocado, banana, pomegranate, kiwi, watermelon, melon, tomatoes, orange, dates, cherries, strawberries, grapes, sweet corn, celery, peppers, potato, peas, broccoli, cabbage, beetroot, pumpkin, onion, parsnip, radish, carrot, eggplant, garlic, zucchini. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

ESL vocabulary powerpoint on Fruits and Vegetables

ESL vocabulary powerpoint on Fruits and Vegetables has been designed to give kids basic knowledge on the importance of vegetables and fruits while at the same time kids develope their skills on spellings and vocabulary. The ESL vocabulary powerpoint is interesting,fun,engaging and interactive to give kids new knowledge on their feeding habit. At the end of the lessons on the powerpoint kids should be able to familiarize themselves on the vocabulary on vegetables and Fruits. Kids should know that fruit and vegetables should be an important part of your daily diet. They are naturally good and contain vitamins and minerals that can help to keep you healthy. Kids should also know that Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet, and variety is as important as quantity. fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins and minerals that are vital for good health and disease prevention.The high fibre content of vegetables and fruits helps control blood glucose levels within humans,it is also vital in reducing cholesterol and probably reduces the risk of colon cancer and other cancers.They contain antioxidants and phytochemicals that may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.There is no single fruit or vegetable that provides all of the nutrients you need to be healthy. A combination of both vegetables and fruits keep humans healthy and away fron diseases.There is compelling evidence that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. English Language PowerPoint on Fruits and Vegetables:apple, blueberries, pineapple, lemon, plums, peach, pear, apricot, avocado, banana, pomegranate, kiwi, watermelon, melon, tomatoes, orange, dates, cherries, strawberries, grapes, sweet corn, celery, peppers, potato, peas, broccoli, cabbage, beetroot, pumpkin, onion, parsnip, radish, carrot, eggplant, garlic, zucchini. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

English Language PowerPoint on Domestic Animals: bull, goat, chicken, lamb, pig, rooster, turkey, horse, cow, rabbit ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Domestic Animals:bull, goat, chicken, lamb, pig, rooster, turkey, horse, cow, rabbit, sheep, duck, donkey, goose, mouse, dog, golfish, cat, hamster, parrot. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

ESL vocabulary powerpoint on Domestic Animals

The esl vocabulary powepoint on domestic animals have been specially designed by pedagogue to give kids the best  concerning vocabulary on domestic animals.Kids after studying the powerpoint will be expected to gain knowledge on domestic animals,what they are,their relationship with humans and their habitat.The powerpoints are free for download to parents and teachers of kids.The powerpoints have fun,playful and interative colors to engage kids while they gain knowledge on domestic animals and enrich their vocabulary. Domestic animals like Cattle are among the most useful of all animals. History considers that modern civilization began when people began milking cows and using oxen to plow their fields. Cattle have wild relatives in many parts of the world. In North America before the coming of the Europeans, the only domesticated animal among the Native Americans was the dog. Domestic animals lived on farms, or near homes where people could care for them. They are important because they are used for reproduction, and they are sold or used for food. Most farmers can make a living off of raising domesticated animals.The ESL vocabulary powerpoint is just in time to meet kids needs. English Language PowerPoint on Domestic Animals:bull, goat, chicken, lamb, pig, rooster, turkey, horse, cow, rabbit, sheep, duck, donkey, goose, mouse, dog, golfish, cat, hamster, parrot. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

English Language PowerPoint on Flags of Countries: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, Denmark ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Flags of Countries:United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, India, Jamaica, Israel, Greece, Greenland, Brazil, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, China. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

ESL vocabulay powepoints on Flags of Countries

ESL vocabulay powepoints on Flags of Countries, has been designed with special attention on the academic needs of kids.The powerpoints have been colorfully designed to give kids a wide knowledge on vocabulary on flag of countries and their significance.Children will learn spellings and grow to respect the symbols of the nation. Flags can be unifying to a country, and many times are. The American flag is a symbol of pride and freedom for all Americans.  Flags can be portraits of a country’s historical past, like the American Flag. The American flag still has 13 red and white stripes, signifying the original 13 colonies. The flags of countries are an important part of the identity of a country. They are a symbolic representation of the country and its ideals. Flags aim to unite the people and act as an icon of the nation. The flags of countries are treated with respect. The colors and symbols on each flag are illustrations of the ideals of a country and reflect the history and pride of its people. Flags are used to represent nations at global events. Many Americans own American Flags and proudly display them outside their homes, offices, and schools. A flag is not just a symbol, but a way for a country to portray itself to the rest of the world. These flags are then made into national icons for each country. In America, you’ll see the US flag on items from pins to stickers to hard hats., all of which you can find here at the United States Flag Store. English Language PowerPoint on Flags of Countries:United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, India, Jamaica, Israel, Greece, Greenland, Brazil, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, China. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

English Language PowerPoint on Country capitals: Washington, Ottawa, London, Sydney, Rome, Copenhagen, Paris, Berlin, Athens, Madrid, Brasilia, Beijing ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Country capitals :Washington, Ottawa, London, Sydney, Rome, Copenhagen, Paris, Berlin, Athens, Madrid, Brasilia, Beijing, Amsterdam, Ankara, Brussels, Vienna, Tokyo, New Delhi, Kingston, Jerusalem, Oslo, Mexico city, Lima, Seoul, Damascus, Colombo, Bangkok, Moscow, . ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

ESL vocabulary powerpoint on Country capitals

In this powerpoint kids will be expected to gain knowledge on,what country capitals are. The eslvocab experts have specially put up this powerpoint to give kids the best information concerning country capitals, while at the same time kids familiarize themselves with new vocabulary and spellings.The country capital city or capital town is the administrative district enjoying primary status in a state, country, province, or other region, usually as its seat of government. A country capital is typically a city that physically encompasses the offices and meeting places of its respective government; the status as capital is often designated by its law or constitution. The country capital naturally attracts politically motivated citizens and those whose skills are needed for efficient administration of national or imperial governments, such as lawyers, political scientists, bankers, journalists, and public policy makers. Many capitals are defined by constitution or legislation wereas long-time capitals have no legal designation examples are Edinburgh, Lisbon, London, Paris, and Wellington. They are recognised as capitals as a matter of convention, and because all or almost all the country's central political institutions, such as government departments, supreme court, legislature, embassies, are located in or near them. English Language PowerPoint on Country capitals :Washington, Ottawa, London, Sydney, Rome, Copenhagen, Paris, Berlin, Athens, Madrid, Brasilia, Beijing, Amsterdam, Ankara, Brussels, Vienna, Tokyo, New Delhi, Kingston, Jerusalem, Oslo, Mexico city, Lima, Seoul, Damascus, Colombo, Bangkok, Moscow, . ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download

English Language PowerPoint on Clothing and Accessories: coat, jacket, jeans, dress, bathrobe, overall, blazer ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Clothing and Accessories:coat, jacket, jeans, dress, bathrobe, overall, blazer, blouse, leotard, bikini, bra, pajamas, boxers, robe, panties, jumpsuit, poncho, raincoat, pants, shirt, t-shirt, shorts, skirt, turtle neck, sweat pants, trench coat, suit, tuxedo, swimsuit, vest, sweater, tank top, belt, zipper, eyeglasses, button, purse, sunglasses, bracelet, cane, earmuffs, earrings, fan, gem, gloves, jewellery box, necklace, ring, scarf, tie, wallet, watch, sandals, shoe, socks, cap, chef's hat, paper hat, cowboy hat, helmet, raccoon hat, umbrella hat, crown, safari hat, sun hat, op hat, sombrero. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

Clothes and accessories vocabulary list

Clothes and accessories vocabulary listThe ESL Vocabulary powerpoint on clothing and accessories is occupied with cloths and the decorative items on the cloths. decorative items that supplement peoples clothing, such as jewelry, gloves, handbags, hats, belts, scarves.The powerpoint enhances kids knowledge on vocabulary and make them fget familiar with issues of clothing and decorations.The powerpoint is specially designed by education experts to give the best on vocabulary on clothing and and accessories to kids. Clothing  accessories is important in adding beauty, color, style and class to an outfit.The colorful design in the powerpoint makes learning to be playful amongst kids. Cothing and accessories both go hand ingloves. Fashion accessories are decorative items that supplement one's clothings, such as jewelry, gloves, handbags, hats, belts, scarves, watches, sunglasses, pins, stockings, bow ties, leg warmers, leggings, neckties, suspenders, and tights.Education professionals and parents can download this powerpoints free to enhance education and give kids the best vocabulary on clothing and accessories. English Language PowerPoint on Clothing and Accessories:coat, jacket, jeans, dress, bathrobe, overall, blazer, blouse, leotard, bikini, bra, pajamas, boxers, robe, panties, jumpsuit, poncho, raincoat, pants, shirt, t-shirt, shorts, skirt, turtle neck, sweat pants, trench coat, suit, tuxedo, swimsuit, vest, sweater, tank top, belt, zipper, eyeglasses, button, purse, sunglasses, bracelet, cane, earmuffs, earrings, fan, gem, gloves, jewellery box, necklace, ring, scarf, tie, wallet, watch, sandals, shoe, socks, cap, chef’s hat, paper hat, cowboy hat, helmet, raccoon hat, umbrella hat, crown, safari hat, sun hat, op hat, sombrero. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

English Language PowerPoint on Infrastructure: castle, house, apartment building, factory, church, mosque, temple ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Infrastructure:castle, house, apartment building, factory, church, mosque, temple, coliseum, light house, pyramid, bridge, windmill, school, road, cathedral, canal. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

Learn new English words related to Infrastructure & buildings

Learn new English words related to Infrastructure & buildings - The vocabulary powerpoint on infrastructure is specially designed for kids,school presentations,spelling enhancement amongst kids.Educational professionals can use this powerpoint on Esl vocabulary  for educational purposes,it is free of use.The powerpoints on infrastructure has diverse images on infrastructure to build kids vocabulary and knowledge on infrastructure.If you are looking for ESL vocabulary, PowerPoint on infrastructure for your kids then this PPT put in place by eslvocabfox.com professionals is the best place.The different images portraying infrastructures are well designed on the powerpoint,kids will gain new spelling skills and vocabulary. The teacher just needs to put the powerpoint into presentation so kids identify and he/she guides them on how to proceed.The powerpoints are colorful and beautifully looking so as to render study interesting.The powerpoints are interactive and simple for kids comprehension.The powerpoint are free download so as to enable parents and teachers have free access to. In the powerpoint there are different examples of infrastructure,in which kids are expected to grasp, The following vocabulary powerpoints are:castle, house, apartment building, factory, church, mosque, temple, coliseum, light house, pyramid, bridge, windmill, school, road, cathedral, canal. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download

English Language PowerPoint on Astronomy and Solar System: sun, moon, star, earth, comet, planet, meteor ESL Vocabulary

English Language PowerPoint on Astronomy and Solar System:sun, moon, star, earth, comet, planet, meteor, asteroid, spacecraft, solar system, space station, astronaut. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download.

ESL Vocabulary PowerPoint on Astronomy and the Solar System

ESL Vocabulary PowerPoint on Astronomy and Solar System has been specially put in place by ESLVOCAB experts for children and learners to enhance their vocabulary and knowledge.The examples of Astronomy and Solar System illustrated on the powerpoint are:sun, moon, star, earth, comet, planet, meteor, asteroid, spacecraft, solar system, space station, astronaut. ESL Vocabulary PPT TEFL teachers. Free PPT Download. How  many planets do we have in our planet? There are nine planets in the solar system,the planets do move arround the sun.ESL vocabulary powerpoints have been beautifully and colorfully made so as to integrate kids in the vocabulary and spelling learning process.Children will gain knowledge on vocabulary without stress.Kids will learn the differnt planets close and further away from the sun. The planets very close to the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are known as terrestrial planets  because of their  solid rocky surfaces.The furthest planets are Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, the smallest of the planets is plato,even though not longer classified as a planet.The solar system also contains comets, asteroids and minor planets.At the end of the lesson kids will be able to answer questions on, What  the solar system and astronomy are.The Solar System  refers to the planets that orbit the sun, Kids are expected to gain knowledge about planets such as, stars, moons, galaxies, asteroids, comets, telescopes and all kinds of astronomical objects. As well as activities for children, the power points are also an important tool for teachers,The power points are also a primordial didactic material for persons questing to enrichment themselves in planets, and the subject of astronomy.