Jobs Vocabulary ESL Pirate Volley Game – astronaut, doctor, farmer, football player, lumberjack, pilot, police officer, referee, soccer player, soldier, teacher, typist

Jobs vocabulary pirate volley game. Learn new English words:astronaut, doctor, farmer, football player, lumberjack, pilot, police officer, referee, soccer player, soldier, teacher, typist. Improve your English Language (and ESL ) skills by playing this pirate volley game. Each pirate volley game contains questions with pictures to make it appealing to children. There is also the fun part with contestants striking and sinking the pirate’s boat. This game is a suitable for homeschool, classrooms (as a group activity) and self-study. Have fun learning English Language.

Jobs lesson plan esl

In a Jobs lesson plan ESL teachers should consider including some fun games too. The current game is interactive, online, fun and exciting. This game will work well both in the classroom and at home and for teachers and parents as well. There are a list of jobs and occupations which need to be learnt when improving English language vocabulary. The jobs lesson plan ESL learners need to be exposed to should go side-by-side the role each person performs doing a particular job. For example, a teacher teaches, a nanny takes care of children etc. This educational fun game is made in the form of an interactive quiz that self-grades players. Learn and improve ESL vocabulary seamlessly on this website.

Human Body Parts Vocabulary ESL Pirate Volley Game – brain, chin, ear, eyes, face, finger, foot, hair, hand, head, nose, teeth

Human Body Parts vocabulary pirate volley game. Learn new English words:brain, chin, ear, eyes, face, finger, foot, hair, hand, head, nose, teeth. Improve your English Language (and ESL ) skills by playing this pirate volley game. Each pirate volley game contains questions with pictures to make it appealing to children. There is also the fun part with contestants striking and sinking the pirate’s boat. This game is a suitable for homeschool, classrooms (as a group activity) and self-study. Have fun learning English Language.

Domestic Animals Vocabulary ESL Pirate Volley Game – cat, chick, chicken, cow, dog, goat, guinea pig, horse, lamb, pig, turkey

Domestic Animals vocabulary pirate volley game. Learn new English words:cat, chick, chicken, cow, dog, goat, guinea pig, horse, lamb, pig, turkey. Improve your English Language (and ESL ) skills by playing this pirate volley game. Each pirate volley game contains questions with pictures to make it appealing to children. There is also the fun part with contestants striking and sinking the pirate’s boat. This game is a suitable for homeschool, classrooms (as a group activity) and self-study. Have fun learning English Language.

Domestic animals pictures

Some domestic animals pictures are a great way to start learning English language vocabulary related to domestic animals. This interactive online game contains domestic animals pictures that go along multiple choice trivia questions. It is worth noting that a great point of distinction between domestic and wild animals is the fact that the former are reared by man and are generally not scared by man but the later live in the wild and some are scared by man. The process of taming a wild animal into a domestic animal is referred to as domestication. But again the later process also brings the question to mind about if all animals first lived in the wild before man domesticated them. Leaving that aside; some domestic animals pictures will aid in identifying them while building a comprehensive English language vocabulary in this area.

Bathroom Vocabulary ESL Pirate Volley Game – bathing, bathroom, bathtub, brushing, faucet, mirror, shampoo, soap, towel, toilet, toothbrush, tooth

Bathroom vocabulary pirate volley game. Learn new English words:bathing, bathroom, bathtub, brushing, faucet, mirror, shampoo, soap, towel, toilet, toothbrush, tooth. Improve your English Language (and ESL ) skills by playing this pirate volley game. Each pirate volley game contains questions with pictures to make it appealing to children. There is also the fun part with contestants striking and sinking the pirate’s boat. This game is a suitable for homeschool, classrooms (as a group activity) and self-study. Have fun learning English Language.

Action Words Vocabulary ESL Pirate Volley Game – dancing, flying, jumped, listening, reading, running, singing, sitting, writing

Action Words vocabulary pirate volley game. Learn new English words:dancing, flying, jumped, listening, reading, running, singing, sitting, writing. Improve your English Language (and ESL ) skills by playing this pirate volley game. Each pirate volley game contains questions with pictures to make it appealing to children. There is also the fun part with contestants striking and sinking the pirate’s boat. This game is a suitable for homeschool, classrooms (as a group activity) and self-study. Have fun learning English Language.

What is a verb and examples ?

It is not uncommon for people learning English as a second language to ponder about what is a verb and example. Simply defined, a verb is an action word. This means a word that designates the act of doing something. It could be puzzling to think that sleeping or sitting for example are verbs – true they are! The act of sleeping is a verb; same too as it is that of sitting. If you continue pondering about the question ‘what is a verb and examples’ then some examples are more obvious e.g. running is a verb and it is easy to see a lot of action in it. Swimming is another verb. From here on it is easy for children to think about a list of verbs and from now understand that a verb is an action word. This game contains a vocabulary test with multiple choice questions in the form of an online English fun game.

Zoo Animal Names Vocabulary ESL Catapult Game – antelope, bear, boar, bobcat, buffalo, camel, chimpanzee, cobra, crocodile, ostrich, parrot, peacock

Zoo Animal Names vocabulary catapult action game. Learn new words: antelope, bear, boar, bobcat, buffalo, camel, chimpanzee, cobra, crocodile, ostrich, parrot, peacock . Improve your English Language (and ESL ) skills by playing this catapult action game. Each catapult action game contains questions with colorful illustrations to make it appealing to children. There is also the fun part with contestants shooting their opponents castle. This game is a suitable for homeschool, classrooms (as a group activity) and self-study. Have fun learning English Language.

Zoo animal games free online

This page features zoo animal games free online for children to test and improve their English language vocabulary skills. In this game, players will match the name of animals to pictures which appear as per question. Each question contains a picture of a zoo animal and a MCQ option. Look at the picture and select the correct name. By playing this game, kids will develop vocabulary on a list of zoo animals which are commonly taught in ESL lessons. After playing this game, a visit to the zoo will also become much fun since children can interact well with teachers, asking questions about animal names as they go along. Remember this game could be played as a vocabulary test both at home or in the classroom. This website also features some vocabulary worksheets and puzzles on zoo animals.

Weather Vocabulary ESL Catapult Game – cloud, lightning, raincoat, raining, rainbow, winter, sun, thermometer, tornado, umbrella, wind vane, wind

Weather vocabulary catapult action game. Learn new words: cloud, lightning, raincoat, raining, rainbow, winter, sun, thermometer, tornado, umbrella, wind vane, wind. Improve your English Language (and ESL ) skills by playing this catapult action game. Each catapult action game contains questions with colorful illustrations to make it appealing to children. There is also the fun part with contestants shooting their opponents castle. This game is a suitable for homeschool, classrooms (as a group activity) and self-study. Have fun learning English Language.

Weather for today lesson plans

Featuring on this page is a component of the weather for today lesson plans. The weather refers to a set of atmospheric conditions occurring in a place at a given moment in time. This is often confused with the climate that aggregates these conditions over a period of 30 to 35 years. A lesson on the weather warrants that English learners understand the different characteristics associated to different weather conditions. The current game does not only focus on the weather for today lesson plans but also serves as a vocabulary test since each question is a multiple choice trivia with answer options players need to choose from. This interactive online game will also work well at home or in the classroom for educators who need to make their class a bit more fun.

Names Of Insects Vocabulary ESL Catapult Game – ant, bee, beetle, butterfly, cockroach, dragonfly, flea, fly, ladybug, locust, scorpion

Names Of Insects vocabulary catapult action game. Learn new words: ant, bee, beetle, butterfly, cockroach, dragonfly, flea, fly, ladybug, locust, scorpion. Improve your English Language (and ESL ) skills by playing this catapult action game. Each catapult action game contains questions with colorful illustrations to make it appealing to children. There is also the fun part with contestants shooting their opponents castle. This game is a suitable for homeschool, classrooms (as a group activity) and self-study. Have fun learning English Language.

Types of insects for kindergarten

In the study of types of insects for kindergarten level, teachers need to show pictures of these insects for easy understanding. The current game works very well for this purpose since it is a multiple choice trivia quiz in which are pictures and MCQ’s which kids have to choose from. A lesson on types of insects for kindergarten also contains a list of insects kids will often see at their home, garden, in a fruit market etc. The list of types of insects is endless but it is a great place to start learning English language vocabulary for everyday use.  After playing this game, also print out a worksheet on this website that deals with identifying insects and learning how to spell their names.

Jobs Profession Vocabulary ESL Catapult Game – astronaut, doctor, farmer, football player, lumberjack, pilot, police officer, referee, soccer player, soldier, typist, teacher

Jobs Profession vocabulary catapult action game. Learn new words: astronaut, doctor, farmer, football player, lumberjack, pilot, police officer, referee, soccer player, soldier, typist, teacher . Improve your English Language (and ESL ) skills by playing this catapult action game. Each catapult action game contains questions with colorful illustrations to make it appealing to children. There is also the fun part with contestants shooting their opponents castle. This game is a suitable for homeschool, classrooms (as a group activity) and self-study. Have fun learning English Language.

Types of jobs ESL lesson

A job refers to what people generally do to earn a living. What people do at their jobs is what makes a society to function. For example a police officer ensures security, a doctor ensures health etc. In an types of jobs ESL lesson, children are taught vocabulary about different jobs and the role each person performs while doing that job. The types of jobs ESL lesson also incorporates an element of asking kids about the types of careers they anticipate taking on when they grow older. This game combines visual elements and also asks about the functions of each job with the aid of an educational fun game trivia with MCQ’s for each question. This game will also work as a vocabulary test at home or in the classroom. Have fun playing this game and also remember to take more tests on types of jobs by going to the worksheets section of eslvocabfox and simply downloading the pdf files of interest.

Human Body Parts Vocabulary ESL Catapult Game – brain, chin, ear, eyes, face, finger, foot, hair, hand, head, nose, teeth

Human Body Parts vocabulary catapult action game. Learn new words: brain, chin, ear, eyes, face, finger, foot, hair, hand, head, nose, teeth. Improve your English Language (and ESL ) skills by playing this catapult action game. Each catapult action game contains questions with colorful illustrations to make it appealing to children. There is also the fun part with contestants shooting their opponents castle. This game is a suitable for homeschool, classrooms (as a group activity) and self-study. Have fun learning English Language.

Parts of human body Vocabulary Test Game

An English language vocabulary lesson about parts of human body entails teaching kids to know the names of some parts of their body. It also entails teaching them about the basic functions of some of these parts e.g. we use our eyes to hear, our tongue to taste etc. The lesson of parts of human body can be made more exciting with some songs and rhymes. The current game is an example of an exciting fun game online which kids can play both at home or in the classroom. It could serve as a vocabulary test or vocabulary game since it blends aspects of both. Pictures of body parts are also there to make the excise much interactive and fun. Improve your language vocabulary by playing this fun educational game online.