ESL Spin the Wheel Game Past Tense, Plural, Prehistoric Animals, Proverbs

ESL Spin the wheel game to practice English language vocabulary on the following: Tenses (spent, inbred, rode, kept), Plurals/Singular (hooves, kilos, goose, antennae), prehistoric Beasts (jurassic, skeleton, Paleontologist, Stegosaurus), Proverbs (hot, worst, pleasure, tomorrow ). This game is fun for learners of ESL and can work well with children both at home and in school.

ESL Spin the Wheel Game Geography, Maps, Math, Music, English Vocabulary

ESL Spin the wheel game to practice English language vocabulary on the following: Geography (Vatican city, Amazon, Grand canyon, India), Maps (latitude, degree, hemisphere, equator), Math (addition, congruent, area ), Music (presto, duet, ledger line, staff). This game is fun for learners of ESL and can work well with children both at home and in school.

ESL Spin the Wheel Game on Activities, Antonyms, Country Capitals, English Language

ESL Spin the wheel game to practice English language vocabulary on the following: Activities (cycling, volleyball, billiards, triathalon), Antonyms (fast, increase, satisfied, sick), Country Capitals (Niger, Uganda, United States, Cambodia), Everyday Vocabulary (level, hunt, princess, potatoes). This game is fun for learners of ESL and can work well with children both at home and in school.

ESL Jeopardy Game, Sports, Antonyms, Everyday Words, Deserts, Country Capitals, English Language

ESL Jeopardy game with English language vocabulary on the following: Sports (cricket, rugby, basketball, volleyball), Antonyms (present, scarce, disagree, modern), Everyday words (singing, ring, snow, Wall), Deserts (Nile, erosion, evaporation, Gobi), Country Capitals (Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Monaco, Mexico). This game will get ESL learners all excited while improving on their English language vocabulary.

ESL Jeopardy Game on Spelling Numbers, English Language Vocabulary

ESL Jeopardy game with English language vocabulary on the following: Numbers 1 to 4 (one, two, three, four), Numbers 5 to 10 (five, six, seven, eight), Numbers 11 to 14 (eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen), Numbers 15 to 18 (fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen), Numbers 19 to 22 (nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two). This game will get ESL learners all excited while improving on their English language vocabulary.

ESL Jeopardy Game, Prepositions, Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, English Language

ESL Jeopardy game with English language vocabulary on the following: Prepositions (in, for), Verbs (go, do, told, find) , Adjectives (nicer, older, cheaper, smaller), Nouns (false, true), Adverbs (anxiously, quickly, carefully, easily). This game will get ESL learners all excited while improving on their English language vocabulary.

ESL Jeopardy Game, Past Tense, Present Tense, Plural, Singular, English Language

ESL Jeopardy game with English language vocabulary on the following: Tenses (went, sang, play), Plural/Singular (mango, girl, goose, chair), Verbs (cries, dancing, teaching, drawing), Adjectives (heavier, taller, faster, cold), Nouns (bed, chair, house, church). This game will get ESL learners all excited while improving on their English language vocabulary.

ESL Jeopardy Game Participles Pronouns, Plurals, Prepositions, English Language

ESL Jeopardy game with English language vocabulary on the following: Participle (interesting, broken, repaired, excited ), Prepositions (in, at, on, on), Plural (children, ladies, dogs, potatoes), Quantifiers (much, many, some, any), Adverbs (anxiously, quickly, carefully, easily). This game will get ESL learners all excited while improving on their English language vocabulary.

ESL Jeopardy Game on Math and Science Vocabulary

ESL Jeopardy game with English language vocabulary on the following: Math (square, five, compass, congruent), biology (back bone, cell, eyes, ears), Space Science (mercury, telescope, coma, earth), Geography (lava, seismograph, subduction, magma), Glaciation (moraines, eskers, outwashplain, cirque). This game will get ESL learners all excited while improving on their English language vocabulary.

ESL Jeopardy Game on Kitchen, Bathroom, School, House Vocabulary, English Language

ESL Jeopardy game with English language vocabulary on the following: Bathroom ( mirror, shower, sink, toothbrush), School (pen, bag, bus, teacher), Kitchen (knife, spoon, tap, plate), Agriculture (farmer, harvest, ripe, bulldo), House (bed, dining room, living, kitchen). This game will get ESL learners all excited while improving on their English language vocabulary.