ESL Jeopardy Game, Geography Vocabulary, English Language

ESL Jeopardy game with English language vocabulary on the following: human geography (China, Europe, Russia, Tokyo), physical geography (Sahara, Amazon, Grand Canyon, Bengal), rivers (Tributary, Oxbow lake, Mississippi, Euphrates), weather (meteorologist, dew, monsoon, thunder), maps (latitude, arctic circle, poles, degree). This game will get ESL learners all excited while improving on their English language vocabulary.

ESL Jeopardy Game Assorted Skills, English Language For Children

ESL Jeopardy game with English language vocabulary on the following: Numbers (thirty, fifty - five, twenty - one, nine), week days (Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday), months (January, February, March, December), events (much, many, some, any), imperative (go, don't, switch off). This game will get ESL learners all excited while improving on their English language vocabulary.

ESL Jeopardy Game on Animals, Domestic Animals, Birds, Fish, Farm Animals

ESL Jeopardy game with English language vocabulary on the following: Domestic animals (cat, dog, goldfish, pigeon), Wild animals (monkey, tiger, lion, elephant), Farm animals (horse, pig, yak, llama), Birds (chicken, goose, dove, turkey), Fish (shark, whale, cod, dolphin). This game will get ESL learners all excited while improving on their English language vocabulary.

ESL Matching Game, Zoo Animals, lion, monkey, elephant, leopard, crocodile, python

ESL matching game (or connector game)– Spell words by matching the missing part. Practice new English Language vocabulary on zoo animals by spelling the following words: lion, monkey, elephant, leopard, crocodile, python. This is an interactive ESL game for children to have fun while learning English.

ESL Matching Game – Weather : atmosphere, stratus, rainbow, thunder, hurricane, humidity

ESL matching game (or connector game)– Spell words by matching the missing part. Practice new English Language vocabulary on weather by spelling the following words: atmosphere, stratus, rainbow, thunder, hurricane, humidity. This is an interactive ESL game for children to have fun while learning English.

ESL Matching Game – Vegetables : onion, cucumber, broccoli, spinach, carrot, lettuce

ESL matching game (or connector game)– Spell words by matching the missing part. Practice new English Language vocabulary on vegetables by spelling the following words: onion, cucumber, broccoli, spinach, carrot, lettuce. This is an interactive ESL game for children to have fun while learning English.

ESL Matching Game – Transportation, train, truck, railway, ship, jet, boat

ESL matching game (or connector game)– Spell words by matching the missing part. Practice new English Language vocabulary on transportation by spelling the following words: train, truck, railway, ship, jet, boat. This is an interactive ESL game for children to have fun while learning English.

ESL Matching Game, Sporting Activities : basketball, football, golf, tennis, volleyball, baseball

ESL matching game (or connector game)– Spell words by matching the missing part. Practice new English Language vocabulary on sporting activities by spelling the following words: basketball, football, golf, tennis, volleyball, baseball. This is an interactive ESL game for children to have fun while learning English.

ESL Matching Game – Solar System : saturn, sun, neptune, venus, crater, uranus – English Language skills

ESL matching game (or connector game)– Spell words by matching the missing part. Practice new English Language vocabulary on solar system by spelling the following words: saturn, sun, neptune, venus, crater, uranus. This is an interactive ESL game for children to have fun while learning English.

ESL Matching Game – River, ocean, meander, watershed, erosion, rain, drainagebasin

ESL matching game (or connector game)– Spell words by matching the missing part. Practice new English Language vocabulary on river by spelling the following words: ocean, meander, watershed, erosion, rain, drainagebasin. This is an interactive ESL game for children to have fun while learning English.