Lower level vocabulary – transportation : pickup, truck, sedan, van
Transportation vocabulary worksheet. Printable ESL worksheet…
Lower level vocabulary – transportation : boat, ship, car, jeep
Transportation vocabulary worksheet. Printable ESL worksheet…
Lower level vocabulary – transportation : jet, parachute, runway, wind sock
Transportation vocabulary worksheet. Printable ESL worksheet…
Lower level vocabulary – transportation : airplane, blimp, helicopter, balloon
Transportation vocabulary worksheet. Printable ESL worksheet…
Lower level vocabulary – sports : glove, helmet, pitcher, umphire
Sports vocabulary worksheet. Printable ESL worksheet to practice…
Lower level vocabulary – sports : ball, bat, batter, catcher
Sports vocabulary worksheet. Printable ESL worksheet to practice…
Lower level vocabulary – soccer : ball, field, goal, goalie
Soccer vocabulary worksheet. Printable ESL worksheet to practice…
Lower level vocabulary – golf : bag, ball, caddy, golfer
Golf vocabulary worksheet. Printable ESL worksheet to practice…
Lower level vocabulary – football : ball, helmet, kickoff, player
Football vocabulary worksheet. Printable ESL worksheet to practice…
Lower level vocabulary – basketball : player, slam dunk,trophy, basket
Basketball vocabulary worksheet. Printable ESL worksheet to practice…