Coloring arts – numbers : ten

Practice coloring ten, trace the name below and say it aloud.…

Coloring arts – numbers : one

Practice coloring one, trace the name below and say it aloud.…

Coloring arts – land animals : Lion

Practice coloring Lion, trace the name below and say it aloud.…

Coloring arts – land animals : koala

Practice coloring koala , trace the name below and say it aloud.…

Coloring arts – land animals : kangaroo

Practice coloring kangaroo, trace the name below and say it aloud.…

Coloring arts – land animals : hippopotamus

Practice coloring hippopotamus, trace the name below and say…

Coloring arts – land animals : elephant

Practice coloring elephant, trace the name below and say it aloud.…

Coloring arts – land animals : deer

Practice coloring deer, trace the name below and say it aloud.…

Coloring arts – land animals : chimpanzee

Practice coloring chimpanzee, trace the name below and say it…

Coloring arts – land animals : camel

Practice coloring camel, trace the name below and say it aloud.…