Word shapes – past tense: run, shrive, buy, do, catch, find

Past Tense vocabulary word shapes worksheet. Learn the following…

Word shapes – past tense: swear, partake, draw, forgive, sink, meet

Past Tense vocabulary word shapes worksheet. Learn the following…

Word shapes – past tense: hold, think, write, have, cling, bend

Past Tense vocabulary word shapes worksheet. Learn the following…

Word shapes – past tense: mean, fall, win, outrun, rise, find

Past Tense vocabulary word shapes worksheet. Learn the following…

Word shapes – past tense: build, partake, freeze, forget, outdo, burn

Past Tense vocabulary word shapes worksheet. Learn the following…

Word shapes – past tense: shake, speak, leave, shine, bend, bind

Past Tense vocabulary word shapes worksheet. Learn the following…

Word shapes – past tense: get, throw, cling, sit, lend, break

Past Tense vocabulary word shapes worksheet. Learn the following…

Word shapes – music vocabulary: harp, duet, metronome, whole, staccato, sharp

Music vocabulary word shapes worksheet. Learn the following new…

Word shapes – music vocabulary: sharp, staccato, treble, piano, rest, flat

Music vocabulary word shapes worksheet. Learn the following new…

Word shapes – music vocabulary: metronome, forte, flat, harp, whole, treble

Music vocabulary word shapes worksheet. Learn the following new…